Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Long Day to Night

I admit, I am not a great multi-tasker, even though I do that sort of thing sometimes. Give me a single objective and I'll run/walk/plod my way to it, only veering if needed to get back to the goal. Yesterday had many objectives. At least four. Maybe five. That's about three too many but! They were all accomplished. I think I even managed to feed the cat a few times, since she didn't start dancing on my head until real dawn (versus false dawn).

So here is the day in pictures. I know there are too many, but...well, see above.

When these seed pod rattle in the wind (and we have a LOT of wind right now) it sounds like we're on the plains of Africa. Not that I've ever been in Africa, but I bet it can sound like that. 
The water painters do such a great job!
This view. Oh my.

Sail Rock
Chiquitine's grandbabies
With the proud Papa looking on
Alexis had a town meeting to talk about his platform in running for Mayor
Alexis' wife - she told me her nickname and I am not sure I'll spell it right, oops
Lots of good talk, lots of issues

Lots of good food, lots of wine and softer drinks

Points made and listened to too.
Alexis and Milton, who translated for us non-fluent Spanish speakers. Thanks, Milton!
Lori was a great organizer! Lori IS a great organizer, of many things!
What's that? Jim has something to say? So shy.

Not that we think you are matchy match, Lori, but your water bottle goes with your top. 
Dolly and Susan
I think this dog has something to add.
Three hot guys at Susie's - Richard, Jacinto and Mario.
Cute or what?
It is windy, rainy and cool this morning. I have only one goal.
Get done what needs to get done and come back to bed with more tea.
 With the forecast full of high wind, there were boats streaming into the harbor yesterday. I hope everyone is tucked up and tucked in!

Have a be where you wish you were Wednesday! Do something willingly.

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