Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What the Cat Said

I've had emails a few times over the years asking if I really do live where I say I do, and suggesting that some of the stories I tell cannot possibly be true. I suppose it is time to confess. A series of cats in my life have been doing the typing this whole time, while I sit back in my rocking chair in Monkey's Eyebrow, KY. You can find out more about ME (as we jokingly, yet affectionately call it) here.

The main reason I'm telling you this is that in the wee hours before dawn, when the cat usually bellies up to the computer after a good breakfast, she went on strike. I'm not sure if it was the tin of crystallized ginger I didn't share with her, a bad night's sleep or just too much reading of the news, but there you have it. Hopefully, we'll get back to business as usual tomorrow.



  1. CWIM! Such a pretty girl! You deserve a day off. Happy cattin' around!

  2. I read it three times... Don't get it.

  3. See how it would be if it wasn't the cat running this blog?? ;)

  4. CWIM acknowledges your thoughts and is apparently in total agreement of the obvious. ;)
