Monday, March 5, 2012

Such a Sunday! Hello Monday.

Yesterday, after getting a bit of work out of the way (the kind where you have to start three times to start, because you can't find a key to get started, but that ends up finally starting, working out with a nice, unexpected chat besides), I slid into Sunday Quiet Funday mode, reading, watching my new obsession on Netflix streaming, 'Doc Martin' (a British series revolving around a small coastal town full of quirky, eccentric characters, where everyone knows everyone's business. I have no idea what the attraction could be).

There was also, my yard style, the Call of the Wild. Fish were jumping and the pelis were high.

Not a pelican

Bizarre as ever
Bizarrer as ever

It was another beautiful day after a rainy, grey start, finally drifting into dusk and dark and sleep, leaving me ready for another good Monday. Which has started without a key.

Have a shared monopoly of mirth Monday. Do something merciful.

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