Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Rough Life

While being with my family and friends is, for the most part, a slideshow of bliss, I do miss my constant buddetta at home. Lucky for me she is with the best friend she could ever have. I could elaborate about how this friend is willing to go every day to check in on her, to bring her back up the hill when Cwim plays Little Runaway Home, who spoils her seriously rotten... but I won't. I'll just let this photo say it for me.

If you need instructions on de-stressing, here is your visual instruction manual. One page, that's all.
(photo credit - T. Tallevast)
I am being spoiled in almost the same way. Not that I wasn't spoiled in Florida and Connecticut, as my camera batteries and slightly tighter waistband will attest. Yes, being the luckiest woman in the world does have its up and down sides.

Sloane making us gouda apple bites and feeding me. Yes. 

I'm not quite sure how Cwim will compete with that, minus the opposable thumb and decent knife skills, though I guess bringing me the occasional rodent is pretty much the same deal when translated into terms of cat affection. Plus, Cwim will not be going for her restricted license anytime soon or bringing home a boyfriend for me to meet. Or if she does, I don't have to know about it, thank you Vet God (I really like him, by the way; the human one, I mean). Life is good and don't you forget it!

Have a treat someone over the top spoiled Tuesday. Do something telepathically tender.

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