No, this not going to be a diatribe against the insane and unfathomable workings of the ATM (not a machine, for those of you who don't know, but the covering umbrella group for the ferries and workers). It could be, but far be it from me to try to unravel such a Gordian knot. Nor am I going to carry on about the gossipy bit of our own Captain Recycling making a mere 30.00 a day for one of the more important works being done on Culebra - because it is only rumor and I am wildly hopeful it is not true. 30.00 an hour, maybe? Which, with all the trash tossed hither and yon by weekend incomers, home owners and day trippers alike, he certainly merits. I won't even post photos of proof, gentle readers. You can see for yourselves on any drive you like. I'm not going there.
No, no, today is about flora, a question I've asked here before but I'm still in the dark about. Unless I got an answer and forgot what it was, which is well within the realms of possibility... What is this tree? It is across from the store Genesis and while I
assume guess know it isn't, I want badly for it to be an olive tree.
I do know what this is, such a beautiful frangipani that I get stopped by its wonder every time I see it. |
So, what is it?
Have a wonder sated Wednesday. Do something wishful.
they sure look like olives. and the branches look like classic image of olive branches-- think doves with branch in mouth, think julius caesar's crown. . . could be
ReplyDeleteI would be so excitd if that was the case!
ReplyDeleteThose are jobos, they are ripe when they turn red. We call them the omg fruit because the flavor is so intense you exclaim oh my god!
ReplyDeleteI like that name! Thanks, Patty!
DeleteYour tree: Spondias family, great fruit. Very common along with genip. Look at spondias mombin.
ReplyDeleteWell, thanks!!!, that was informative. This is about as cure all a tree as the mooringa. The fruit-juice is used as a febrifuge and diuretic. The roots are well-known febrifuge on the Ivory Coast, being sometimes used with leaves of Ximenia, Premna hispida, Ficus sp., and Alchornea. They are pulped, boiled in water, and drunk, or used as a lotion or for baths. The bark is used as a purgative and in local applications for leprosy (Kerharo and Bouquet). The bark decoction is used for severe cough, causing relief through vomiting. The dry pulverized bark is applied as a dressing to the circumcision wound. The bark contains a certain amount of tannin. A decoction of the mashed leaves is used by the Ibos (Nigeria) for washing a swollen face. The leaves, ground with sugar, are rubbed on the mouth and gums. A leaf infusion is a common cough remedy or used as a laxative for fever with constipation. A leaf decoction is used for gonorrhea. The leaves with the leaves of Vitex quinata and Terminalia avicennoides, are used on the Ivory Coast for fresh wounds preventing inflammation. All these leaves are used for leprosy. Crushed with lemon they are effective for worms in children. With Alchornea leaves and lemon a gargle is made from the leaves. They are crushed to obtain the juice. A decoction of pounded leaves is used as an eye lotion and the juice pressed from young, warm leaves is given to children for stomach troubles. The young leaves are used as an infusion taken internally or as a warm astringent lotion by women in confinement in Sierra Leone. In the Congo the young leaves pounded to a frothy pulp are used as a bed for paralytics, who are then massaged with them to the accompaninent of incantations.[3] In Suriname's traditional medicine, the infusion of the leaves is used as a treatment of eye inflammation, diarrhea and venereal diseases."
DeleteIf I ever have a dog again, I'm going to name him Spondias Mombin.
Well, if my face is ever swollen or I come down with leprosy or I contract gonorrhea (not likely anymore) I'll know where to come for the cure.
ReplyDeleteIt is reassuring, isn't it?