Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tiny Home Tuesday ~ Canada

I wish I had more photos of tiny homes from my trip, but as shy as I sometimes am about obviously taking photos of someone's home around here, that's notched up about 20 times out on the road, unless I can catch a quick drive by. Here, someone may say, hey, no! Out on the road, walking and doing that, someone may say or do way more and no back up for me in sight. So here is a house I saw on Tiny House Swoon that I really like. 

It isn't just that I like it, it is that the builder addressed an issue that has become a big topic of discussion concerning tiny homes...the stairs. Usually that means the ladder. While plenty of young people are doing great things with tiny homes, there are lots of older people doing the same. Except a little slower, with a few more creaking joints. So ladders might look great but if you've climbed one lately and think about doing it twice a day at least and in the middle of the night for those 'gotta go' moments, it becomes more clear that new/old solutions are noted with something akin to glee.

While I'm not always a fan of spiral staircases,
this looks like it would work and work well.

In fact, they don't call it a spiral staircase,
they call it a spiraling ladder. Indeed it is.
And yes, I'd add a handrail.
Maybe not so easy but it can be done!

For more photos and stories on this build you can go directly to their website at Esk'et Tiny House.

Have a non-tumbling Tuesday. Do something with traction.

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