Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Soltice - The Wedding of Heaven and Earth

Yes, it is that time of year again, when for a moment the world (well, our world) stands still and on its ever present course begins the slowly growing reverse of long days and short nights. Sorry, people of the northern climes...gather ye rosebuds while ye may.

If the graphic here isn't quite enough, this video brilliantly (in my opinion) makes everything ever so clear. Thanks to the person who made this and shared it with us who can't quite hold the whole universe in our minds at one time.

As much as I might whine about the heat, I truly love the summer months, filled with most of my happiest memories of beach time, of days in the woods, of a freedom that I still feel when the bells ring for 'school's out'! 

 No, of course that's not me; that's the secret on the inside my head me. 
No photo credit available

Summer solstice always meant - and still means - my birthday is tomorrow (except in those rare years that it falls on the 20th), no matter what year it is, no matter what day. While it meant no cupcakes in classes, it also meant beach birthday parties, good weather for beach walking, holidaze. Even being a month with no 'safe to eat shellfish' R in it, fish are still there for the catching. I'm content to be a summer baby, a slipped in by one day Crab of the universe, the shores and waters of the world my elemental home. To the rest of you summer children, happy birthday to us!

When it seems like everything in the world is going too quickly, the universe doesn't shrug, despite Ayn Rand's contention; it doesn't care about electronic speed and all of those facets, it simply continues on, as it has forever. Obviously not a profound thought, but one I like to hold close at times, when things in the world seem to be getting a little more filled with madness every time I look. Except for in my yard...where the only madness is of the overtaking vine sort. Summer Solstice (a great site with lots of cool factoids about S.S.) begins for us at 1:17 p.m. If you are inclined to dance a midsummer reel, mind your neighbors, or better yet, pull them in.

Have a totemic Tuesday! Do something traditional.


  1. Happy early Birthday MJ!!! I will cyber cheers you!!


  2. Thanks, darlin'! You better do more than just cyber cheer me; I expect real vodka drinks and loud, annoying singing - and Keith has to participate too. (I'm old and cranky, I can be demanding!)

  3. Hmmm, real vodka and annoying singing. Doesn't sound like too much of a stretch to me! And you aren't old---just demanding ; P


  4. Morning to your new year ..... Keep it up ..... You're doing a wonderful job.

