Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day off

Today is my day to putter around here and there, figuratively and literally. The garden is getting torn apart and restarted in this straggly time of year. Not everything, of course. The hot peppers (4 varieties) have been pruned back and new growth is reappearing in baby iguana brilliant green. And I found my first eggplant! It had been hidden by leaves and some lemon grass stalks. After numerous fake me out non-productive blossoms, this is a great and happy surprise.

To serendipity! Maybe it will stretch far enough to help at the injunction hearing being held this morning over in Fajardo on the big island. This is to deal with the Victor Gonzalez situation. He has now erected metal fencing to keep out the public (reminder: the municipality just removed the boulder and trees he put in to do the same). He's a mad man, pure and simple, in every way those two words can be construed. Keep your fingers crossed. I know Maryann and Digna are there among others, so the strong voices will be heard. We hope.


  1. Funny, I bet that eggplant is about the size of Victor's penis. (I won't be offended if you don't publish this). :-)

  2. Is that a fairytale eggplant? That's a serious question. It's one of the varieties we get from our local farm. http://www.parkseed.com/gardening/PD/5136

  3. I don't remember that in the name, Deb. It was from a packet in Cheli's, from some Puerto Rican company.
