Friday, February 26, 2010

Dragonflies and Destruction

Molly got a photo of Lola and Lucy home for a snow day yesterday...holding their Culebra dragonfly magnets. Snow indeed! It's odd to see the girls all wrapped up in warm clothes against a LOT of snow instead of in their bathing suits and shorts...Thanks Molly! David looks hard at work there, yikes (that's him, crouched over with snow shovel in hand)!

photo credit: Molly the Mom

The house in the background - yes, it's a house, not a small inn - is one that was built across the street, destroying a beautiful woodland, and breaking a lot of ordinances to get what they wanted, where they wanted it. We're not the only ones, sadly enough.

Bill Kunke, who takes those wonderful underwater photos around Culebra - among others, was kind enough to telepathically know I wanted photos of where the pink house used to be and sent along a couple of his own for use here. If you don't remember the house, it was one of two private homes left on the waterfront, and had a wonderful porch, surrounded with alamanda vines, loaded much of the time with flowers. Laws were broken here as well. Why don't we just sell Culebra to the highest bidder...oh wait! We already are... And people wonder why we get so agitated about selfish, greedy, destructive people. I think there is a song about that...'they paved Paradise, put up a parking lot'.

photo credit: Bill Kunke

Another view of what is no longer there...

photo credit: Bill Kunke

(late addition) I just got this photo from case you've forgotten what was destroyed
photo credit: Bill Kunke

She said it...


  1. So sad. I remember the elderly couple that used to sit on the porch and watch the day go by. What's next, Señor Perez' casa? Sheesh!

  2. No way in hell that will happen!

  3. I loved the little pink house and have taken several pictures of it myself. How sad. Why was it torn down?

  4. Because the guy who owns Williams Pizza decided he wanted to put in one of his pizza places, and gossip has it, maybe guest rooms. I can tell you now...Williams Pizza will NOT be on my agenda.
