Saturday, April 5, 2014

Yesterday, oh the Sun it Seemed So Far Away

But then, instead of that big bit of rain over St. Thomas heading straight here and dampening our Friday evening at Dinghy Dock's Music and Social Hour(s), we got the softness of washed clean island air and a pastel good night to the light of day.

One of the things I love about Culebra is that most public social events include children. Really happy children. And nobody minds just makes life better.

The rain will change so much, so quickly - cisterns refilled, dried hard and browned hillsides softening and greening, gardens refreshed, blooms reaching out from hidden places.

Frangipani - from nothing to...well, count 'em. Oh, the power of rain!
Yes, we are easily entertained. That's a good thing.

Have a see your situation Saturday. Do something shimmery.


  1. I love your blog! I currently live on the mainland on PR, but seriously thinking about moving to Culebra this summer. I was hoping you might have some pointers on places to live. If so, I would love to hear them!

    1. Thanks, Scott! The best pointer I can give you is to come over and meet people, it seems the way most people I know find a place to live is word of mouth. Plus, you can get a better feel for what it is like here on an every day basis. What I know for sure is, if you really want it to happen, it will. Really.
