Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Baking, birds and how to relax

Under bright but not blue skies (so far), the morning is literally cranking along. Yet another big machine is clanking, banging, digging out in the road in front of me. I'm glad I woke up when the loudest thing was the yard rooster and the splash of pelicans...

Treat of the Day - ginger carrot muffins

How birds settle things

King of the bay & minions

My personal fireworks

My Zen teacher


And before I forget again, here is an unsolicited plug for my friend Jimmy, of CoquiFire hot sauce fame, over on Vieques. They are having their anniversary party over there on the 18th. Last time there were around 300 people who showed up and a good time was had by all. Coqui Fire's many varieties of sauce are kick butt good, in case you haven't tried them (if you've tried them, you already know). So if you aren't busy that day, head on over to the bigger small island of Vieques for some fun. Then come back and buy MY hot sauce too!

(click to make larger)

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