Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's Vet Day...maybe wet day too

Once a month a veterinarian comes to Culebra, making it Vet Day. That would be today and CWIM and I will be heading over there with others on various missions. Some of our satos (island dogs) and cats will be spayed or neutered, some with ailments will be treated. And some will get their papers to go on say...Michigan!

CWIM's ailment is something that makes the hair on her back end look like she got a razor shave. I've never seen anything wrong with her (other than the occasional fight cuts and bruises); her coat is usually perfect and I want that back. It doesn't seem to really bother her, but something just ain't right here and hopefully the vet will know what that is and what to do about it.

This morning brought color to the sunrise and the radar is full of rain that looks to be heading this way. Both good things! Plants and trees in the yard are going into full bore growth and more rain can only help, beside filling cisterns.

Have a wonderful Wednesday. Do something welcoming.


  1. how is CWIM?????

  2. Where was that first photo taken? I don't recall seeing any docks by those little cays...

  3. She's fine...didn't like the car ride, but fine. Vet says it's either hormonal or psychological (which I see as the same thing), but he leans toward hormonal and the meds are in the mail. If it's psycho, nothing can be done and don't we know it!
