Thursday, April 8, 2010

What happened next

The orchids opened up!

I did have a great morning at the cart and a very blustery, though not truly rough, dinghy ride home. I think the wind was blowing the sea flat (in a relative way of speaking). I hung out with CWIM and then came back to town to walkabout, so I could go work in Susie's kitchen (there's a song in that somewhere). There is a lot to see while waiting.

The canal

I've wanted to take a photo of this for ages...
it's still not exactly what I want, but it is what I got!

I forget the name of this fruit, but it is yummy...and beautiful in an ugly way

And then I was home again. Eating, reading, sleeping. 
The exciting life of an islander. Well, this islander.

And in the morning, this morning, I am an islander who gets daily visits from this guy.

And, I got turned on to this wonderful version of my
very favorite song in the whole wide world.Thanks, Kimathie.

The End.


  1. Thanks, MJ. These beautiful photos are just what I need to get me through my last work day before we head to Culebra in the morning! woo-hoo!

  2. It is Noni fruit.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Not sure what part you thought was nice, but hope it was the Eve Cassidy song. I wish I had a recording of a certain Mexican trio in a microbrewery in Boone, NC (with a couple roughin' it sibs enthralled) doing this song, but it's a wonderful 'other' version. Love you, Mr. Somewhere!

  5. Thanks, Patty. For some reason 14 comments didn't come through my email until today so I just got this!
