Thursday, April 1, 2010

Looking for a Quiet Day

Message from Coralations:

"We received a letter from Victor Gonzalez's lawyer yesterday. He [Victor] has agreed that his actions have been a detriment to the community of Culebra, and invites the people to come and see what he is doing to begin to rectify the damage to the muelleceito (directed by FWS).

All lawsuits against the municipality have been dropped. All blockages have been removed and the septic tank will be removed by the end of next week. He has also dropped his plans for a wind farm, here and on the big island, acknowledging the sensitive nature of the land(s) involved."

He will be starting Environmental Awareness Therapy on Earth Day (April 23) and as a first step, asks the forgiveness of all who live on and visit Culebra for his thoughtless and selfish actions. Please feel free to contact him and extend your pleasure and forgiveness now that he has seen the error of his ways. Everyone deserves a chance to change for the better.


As I was baking this morning, I noticed it suddenly got very, very quiet. No roosters crowing, no birds singing, no vehicles, no airplanes. I went out to look at the chickens and they were in their the morning, not the usual kicking around in the dirt, pecking at the pickings. It didn't last long, this unusual calm, but it brought to mind my hope yesterday for today to be a quiet day, with no untoward excitement. I hope it's a good sign!

Have a tranquil Thursday. Do something teasing (it IS April 1st, you know).


  1. I almsot started crying when I heard this!! I was so happy, then I remembered, AW, April fool's day. MJ, you got me!
    I like the idea of copying your "joke" and mailing it to him though, would you object?

  2. That is SO April Fool's isn't it???? Good one.............

  3. April, my fondest hope (beyond a good April Fool's joke) is that people WOULD call...send it! It would be wonderful!

  4. Yes,'s an AF joke. But always with the glimmer of hope that someday it might be true.

  5. LOL! When hell freezes over. . .

  6. Hell, Michigan, you mean? Ah HA!

  7. I had hope until I read the comments. Oh well, fight the good fight!

  8. Gotta laugh while you're fighting or the battles are too hard...
