Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ok, the world is crazier than me

Yes, while Obama sent thousands home from his Memorial Day speech in Illinois due to lightning dangers and Israel and Palestine had it out on a ship, one good thing happened in the news...when Kentucky took a decisive stance affirming the federal laws that Rand Paul decries.

Here at home it was, for me, a very quiet, cloudy, on and off rain day. I was going to town to see what was going on there but the humidity, basically turning the air into a breathless steam, knocked me back about half way, so I missed any Memorial Day parades or activities that I'm sure were going on.

Fifteen minutes of blue sky

Instead I stayed home, fluctuating between trying to get a few things done and laying prostrate in the arms of heat. CWIM lay on top of the freezer, limbs flung wide, hoping for some relief. Finally we got a huge rain deluge, and dusk soon followed releasing me from the unrelenting sauna-like heat, free to ponder the state of the world beyond my own, which has its own heat factor.

This; in the midst of my beautiful flowers, sea views; my truly incredibly good life, is how it was yesterday. Maybe to remind me, as it surely did, of the rather large discomforts suffered by my fellow brothers and sisters, serving in the war zones of the world. And I cry uncle.

p.s. Today, June 1, marks the beginning of Hurricane season. You can get all your official info right here, including email updates, just so you know. Welcome to June!


  1. Laughing, hoisted on my own petard, that is one of the common errors in language that bugs me and now I've done it myself! Thank you for the correction!

  2. I think it's "by my own petard." Another common error.

  3. Yes, perhaps. But it can be on/by/with. The essence is about the word petard: . "But what is also interesting is the derivation of the word "petard". It comes from the French word peter, meaning to break wind."

    And I believe at this point...we have a match.
