Thursday, May 26, 2011

Busy Buzzy Busy!

Yesterday was a very successful trip to the big island! Today is full of doing what I went to the big island for, which is setting up my new stove/oven (only in this life did I ever think a stove did not include an oven, that's how it is). After nine years of a stove TOP and an awesome toaster oven, I have a cooker again (does that sound British to you? a cooker? well, it is, but it is also what is on the box and I like it - because that's what it will do. Cook).

After multitudinous stops at a variety of stores, we found pretty much all we needed and had the energy to shop for. A mandatory stop at Lolita's for one of the best margaritas (ok, two) to be found ended the trip. Well, including wrestling the oven onto a dolly, onto the ferry, into Francie's vehicle, down my lawn onto the porch. Which was as far as it got last night...

Home again home again
Until I started baking bread to sell, my trusty toaster oven was all I ever needed, even when I was in the muffin stage of my life (though it certainly crossed my pea brain a few times that I'd like a bigger oven). But needs must and needs did. I found exactly what I needed (not the six burner I wanted, one because they are very pricey and two because I'd have to turn my bed into a countertop due to space constraints - and I love my bed way too much, despite that it takes up more than its share of room. Blame it on the cat; we NEED this bed!).

Though, as you can see, she'll use anything for a bed
Weirdly, instead of looking oddly out of place, it looks like it has been there all along - well, except for the shiny newness of it. I guess the lizard brain in me remembers that most of my life I've had a cooker and it is just refilling this wee gap of time. Now of course, I have to the rest of the place looks decidedly less than shiny new. But I just happen to have some lovely periwinkle paint just waiting to get on where it belongs. Goodie!

 Ok, it will look more in place without the tools I had to use to get it in place
...and after the redistribution of stuff that was where it is now...
and throwing away the ton of packaging that it apparently required 
to get it safely to me. But beside all that, it's quite at home

Thanks, Francie, who kickstarted the trip, and Ray, our driver for the day, for all the help and patience in making this happen. Woo hoo! Four loaves of bread at a time!

I'm off to get a new hose for the propane tank...funny the things you finally notice that haven't blown you up...oops.

Have a turned on Thursday! Do something toolish.

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