Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Some Wednesday This and That

Did we ask for rain? Yes we did! Did we get some rain? Oh yes. We did. The ground is squishy, Anything that can sprout or bloom is sprouting and blooming. Cisterns are full. It's a beautiful thing. A little more of a beautiful thing than expected, but beautiful nonetheless. Sorry, visitors, I know yesterday is not the day you hoped for, but we needed the rain sooooo much!

In between baking bread and computer time, in between the bands of rain, I walked around the yard, watching growing things explode. It's when I wish I had the patience and equipment to do time-lapse photography because enough was going on to do some cool shooting. As it was, I have what I have.

One thing did happen that I could watch from start to finish. And incredibly, it's happened twice in the last couple of days. I often walk down to the bottom of my yard to look out at the bay (sadly, a muddy brown, due to run off from some extremely bad clear cutting, which just happens to go through a dry river bed, tearing open Nature's way of dealing with run off, now exposed and with any heavy rain, tearing across the land taking much dirt and rocks with it - deep pockets don't seem to always include common sense or respect for the land - ok, where was I...ah, walking down to look at the bay).

The day before, empty-handed, that is, sans camera, a hummingbird came along and perched on a branch. It sat there a good couple of minutes while I stood two feet away, entranced. Then yesterday, the same thing happened! Except this time, I had the camera. Very cool. This is a sample of way too many shots (my brother insists this is a finch with a Mardi Gras mask on, but he's wrong).

and then, after he'd posed enough - because it felt like he was posing, checking out if I was watching, pose again...he was gone. Poof!

Right now the sun is out, blindingly bright. There is supposed to be more rain ahead, but for now, we're in the sunshine...every little thing's gonna be all right.

Have a wanted Wednesday! Do something willingly.


  1. Of course he's wearing a Mardi Gras mask. I sure didn't know this before, but now, thanks to some Nat Geo class photos I realize that these amazing buggers are actually tiny bacchanals! Great work.

  2. Thanks, Doug. You and my brother ought to get together, maybe not!
