Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oh , is my face RED!

I got a call from my brother last night...well, I got a message, I was asleep and didn't hear the phone. But waking up and getting this message made me want to go back to sleep really fast, for a really long time.  I'd digress but it's too embarrassing to avoid going on, right here, right now.

So, I'm listening, puzzled and then mortified, as my brother ever so gently said, "You were going ON and ON in that post about periwinkles and how we saw them and blah blah blah, but those weren't periwinkles, those were COQUINAS!" He said that he wasn't sure at first and checked, but as soon as I heard the word coquina, I knew...AAAAIIIIIEEEEEE! Of course they were coquinas! What happened to my memory brain?

 See?! See that one in the middle? The PERIWINKLE colored one?  That's a coquina. 
Ever so surprisingly, there are a LOT of photos of coquinas. Go figure. 
(This particular photo is from the Florida Fish and Wildlife site.)

Oh, I could have not confessed but truth? They are so cool, and so beautiful, I had to lay bare my cross-dressed memory so that if you ever stumble upon them, or know them well already, I won't be the little voice in the background making you think...Huh, those are called periwinkles? Huh. Really?

Coquinas! Duh! Me! And now you know how totally addle headed I can be.. I'm lucky to have my brother around as my brain begins to fade. I really am lucky. For what were we talking about?

Even though it's not Free Range Friday, I found this rather strange video about making coquina broth (and about cooking mole clams too, which I would have sworn we called...oh never mind). It's so weird and wonderful, I have to share it.

I'd suggest what kind of a Thursday you might have but frankly, I don't trust a thing I say right now and neither should you!

Trepidatiously yours, MJ


  1. Like a computer's hard drive we reach a stage of wisdom known as maxed-out. At that point, the only way to add new stuff is to toss out some old.

    Welcome to that exalted club.


  2. Damn, another one of those clubs I didn't plan on joining...thanks, I think I feel a little better.

    xoxoback atcha!

  3. Hi...
    I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now, since I will be visiting Culebra in December. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading the posts and seeing the pictures. I'm really excited to get a glimpse of your island in person!
    Anyhow, the reason for this comment is that I was on a plane today, and was reading the airline magazine and it made me think of you! I'm from Canada, so it is Air Canada's magazine. You can read the excerpt here:
    So... perhaps you are not completely mistaken! Apparently there are some sort of snail or clam or whatever, that is called a periwinkle! :)

  4. Thanks so much for that! Yes, there are periwinkle snails and somehow my brain substituted the word for coquinas. But I've never seen periwinkles on a menu (or coquinas for that matter!).

    With you being from Canada (I have a lot of relatives in Montreal, so I've been there and know this), December will be a warm and welcome change...hope you have a wonderful time here!

  5. Thanks, I hope so too! I'm actually from Montreal. :) Snow has already begun and I am counting the days...
