Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Happened? (or How a Gained Day Was Needed)

I should have known, right away, when I thought on and off all day yesterday that it was Wednesday, that I'd actually gained a day when usually I lose one, that there was a reason for it. There was. I needed two Wednesdays and now I've got them!

There was a lot to do and lots got done, but another thing I should have known is that planning on Culebra defies all fact it is a complete oxymoron. I got the Ospho-ing (but with a generic product called Rust Off), and painting of appliances (a fact of life living in the tropics; appliances rust far faster than their usefulness declines) almost finished. I got the kitchen ready to make bread dough. I watered, even though we've had rain, just not quite enough for some thirsty plants. Check! all slipped a little...sideways.

The phone rang. Sure, I have time (before the Turkey Race and hot sauce delivery and going to look at tools and maybe a ladder being sold) to go to the beach... It was windy and wild and sunny and cloudy and beautiful, which was a lot more enticing than making bread dough in a space that smelled like paint. And so I did. So we did. Was that Highway to Hell I heard, faintly in the psychic echoing background?

There are way too many photos, I know, and now you'll see way too many 'waves splashing on rocks' photos, but what can I say? I'm in love.

 Don't these palm trees look right off a tropical beach on some enchanted isle?
I thought so too.

 Fallen gods

 What an excellent spot for a birthday!

 Howling wolf on Zoni did he get there?

 Sea grape wood is beautiful, in case you didn't know

 Howling Wolf's Woman

 Yes, it really looked like this......ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Then it was time to go look at tools and things. I came away with a faux leatherman and a little ladder that will work well on my dinghy or houseboat (if my dinghy ever gets back in the water - grrrrr). Mi amiga picked up a dinghy anchor and some tools. Happiness on the hill. And still time to get to the Turkey Races and deliver hot sauce! But first...a Dinghy Dock detour - one for the road. Which led to talking and laughing and...yippie, a surprise!

How very good it was to see Roger, Martha's other half, here on a mini-holiday (missed you, Martha! Next time!). We got to talking farms and goats and then he was telling an amazing story about Morgan horses and his Dad and history, which I'm saving for another time because it's too good for sandwich filling. But the clock was ticking, Turkey Racers awaited!
 I love this event...and so do a whole lot of other people

 Winner of the men's event, as usual!

Raquel, winner of the women's event with Lawrence, tired, sweaty happy runners

The winners in these events get a turkey or chicken. Lawrence's turkey became my turkey, which I will share out into parcels. For the first time since living here, I'm going to eat in a restaurant on Thanksgiving (maybe the first time in my life, now that I think about it). But I really wanted to cook a turkey since I now have the oven to cook it in...and now I get to do that! Thank you, Lawrence! Tradin' turkey is way better than talkin' it.

My non-designated driver, not the original friend I'd started out with, but the friend I happened to come up the stairs with at Dinghy Dock and proceeded to spend the rest of the day with, because that's how things roll here, eventually gave me and my turkey a ride home, after I decided I'd accomplished all my missions, had a lot of fun, the prerequisite bit of Culerba drama, plenty to drink and a damn big turkey too. The turkey pretty much could have used its own car seat. I can't wait to cook it!

Have a willing Wednesday* (take two, ACTION). Do something (ever so slightly) wild.

*It is Wednesday, right?


  1. I could use an extra day this week.
    Great photos!

  2. Yep, and that means Jakes Leg, our beloved Grateful Dead cover band is celebrating their 35th anniversary with a concert at The Pageant music hall tonight. I've got backstage passes and a promise of a couple band (free) beers during the break. Trust me, there is no better way to run a pre-Thanksgiving calorie deficit than dancing to the good-feeling music of the Dead. Oh yeah, they also do quite a bit of Little Feat, including Willin', so we qualify...

    Tomorrow at Susie's?

    Happy gobble gobble.

  3. Sorry, I had a spare one, but I'm using it! Thanks on the lucky am I to have such great subjects???

  4. Beautiful shots MJ!
    the weather is beautiful these days isn't it? everything looks so bright and colorful
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Barbara, it's been gorgeous, we're so lucky. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, we've got so much to be thankful for!

  6. How beautiful! Ever since my visit there I have longed to live there!! Just amazing... you are truly blessed!

  7. Thank you, Annamarie. Yes, I am truly blessed and I do know that! Come back soon.

  8. Doug, just found this comment, grrrrrr! No, Susie's re-opens tonight (Friday, 25th)! We might well be found at the bar...I'm still full from T'day! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, oh heck, I know you did.
