Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy First Day of 2013

I wanted to put 2013 in the title because my finger keeps hitting the 2 instead of the 3, so I figure the more I type it, the easier it will become. Right? Repetition, habits, habits to get into, habits to break, the first day of the year is the time for all of that. Did you make resolutions? New ones? Old ones that you didn't keep last year? I make 'sort of' resolutions, knowing my own track record. Something like 'I sort of think I should probably _________' but maybe I should make a resolution to keep lists, because then I forget what I sort of probably should do or not do. Brain transplant, first on the list. I hope you do better than that!

used with permission
 I didn't go to the plaza this year, only the 2nd time in 10 years that I've missed it. Once for pneumonia, which is a pretty good reason, and this time for throwing my back out reaching for the shampoo, which is an incredibly stupid reason. I should have just left my hair dirty. Ah well, so it goes. Hopefully a few photos will come my way to share with you, but from what I hear so far, it was a huge crowd, dressed up and ready to party. Which means it was a good time!

This morning, the only action I've seen are pelicans and terns, wheeling and diving and skimming in the sun and sea, timeless movement that only follows the seasonal calendar. None of them were wearing anything like a glittery bow tie or high heels either. Something very sensible there...

The dawning of Day the First wasn't quite this golden but that's how the phone camera saw it and I don't mind.

Earlier, there was a low breeze taking the glassiness off the water. Quiet but for birds, singing in the day.
The show got better

and better.

Until I was literally being blinded by the light. Turning back to go in, there was a gentle rainbow, right over the shack.

Life is golden.

Have a touched by today Tuesday! Do something tensionless.