Friday, July 3, 2009

What's in that ...Friday abbreviated

Because I'm not making these wraps until tomorrow, I can only show the ingredients, or at least some of the ingredients, now.

I'll warm the tortillas and spread cream cheese (flavored with herbs) over them - no cream cheese in the photo, don't worry, you're not going blind - then add the veggies, sliced and diced. Then it gets all rolled up, to be cut on an angle to look purty. These will be my contribution to the 4th of July food haul. I'll take pics as I make them...most likely. But today isn't over yet, so there will probably be things added. Chives, yes, basil, yes, mint? maybe. Chicken? Prosciutto? I don't know yet. Wraps, unlike many recipes, are a process, not a science. That's why they are really fun to make!

Cont. manana...if you don't get back here until the 5th, have a GREAT holiday! I'll keep the light on.


  1. Blessed are the shopkeepers who make our celebration more convenient...and blessed are those for whom patriotism is more than rote jingo. Imagine thinking that freedom is served by not questioning authority. Viva verde y ammarillo. Hurra para el rojo, blanco y azul.

  2. Ah Doug...hugs strong, mi amigo. See you when.
