detail of: Fish with Sail - Jacques Resch
(I'm usually not a huge fan of surrealism, but this artist captured my imagination and respect)
But, as a very wise writing professor of mine once said to me, "At some point you just have to put it down and say, it's DONE." We both knew that didn't mean it was really necessarily done, but it was what it was for then and time to wash hands and move to something (ANYthing) else for a spell. That means whatever is downloading right now, wedding video what it is. Well, except that last part where either someone else was using my camera or someone else was using my brain and hands. Crotch shots and sideways stuff isn't really my MO. Usually. Yes, NOW you're These ain'tcher Grannie's home movies, buckeroo.
Soon come.
Hmmm, reminds me of he time I was working a catering job. End of the night and there were an awful lot of those throw-away cameras around so...seems the bride and groom ended up with many pictures of their catering staff!