Maybe it wasn't just a nice rain...
After dropping off the housesitting car at the airport, I was walking back home when I saw this horse beside the sidewalk. I've seen it a few times but never this close up. It was busy eating when I got there so I called, "Hey horse! I want to take your picture, look at me!" I don't think this horse wants to be a movie star.
Today may be the day I learn to make Jaime's pique, which would be fun. And the coconut telegraph has Chris Goldmark, our world famous fly fisherman, coming in today for the season, so don't forget to book early and book often!
There are three kittens running around my yard. Anyone who wants them is welcome to them. Of course, you have to catch them first. Two are black and one is grey. Help yourselves, please. Pretty please.
I see you're catching up with the states on rainfall. We all know about Debbie and Lewis' moisture and Laurie's rust days; now the locals are calling St. L's record October rain total "Seattle".