Saturday, January 7, 2012

Don't Blink!

Three and a half days of a downed server a missing blogger makes. Service was restored yesterday afternoon but I was almost out the door. However, I am crediting the Three Kings, whose day it was, with that restoration. Things just don't get fixed on holidays around here. Or right before them. Or right after them. It's sort of a law of nature that we accept with better grace over time. Or not, depending on the circumstances. Since I pretty much missed all of Three Kings Day, and knew I was going to (bread baking all night and afternoon parades weren't going to mix, I was pretty sure, and I was right), I didn't even put straw under my bed for the camels, and yet they reached through time and space and lit up my modem. Thanks, Three Kingly Dudes!

Luckily, some people did not miss Three Kings Day. The right place, the right time is what makes those magic photo moments. Debbie was kind enough to share this with me so I could share it with you. I  wish I'd been there.

 photo credit: Debbie Newmark

On my way to a hilltop gathering of friends, we stopped for a moment (ok, we were 45 minutes late and we're sorry!) at Dinghy Dock so I could drop off some bread. The Three Kings Day buffet was just getting started, a great guitar player was there and Orlando and Mary Ann just happened to have some instruments with them. A Culebra serendipitous event, what can  I say?

Orlando, Mary Ann and Billy the Kid grooving to the island beat
The buffet looked incredible! I've got to mark my calendar for next year.
Is it me or is there something about this vignette that Culebra? So Neil?
 Today, Lewis, my Mac guru, is going to take away my Steve Jobs blessed computer (the only reason any of us can come up with as to why it keeps resurrecting itself, the man himself touched it) and get all my stuff off of it in readiness for transfer to the soon come new computer. Until I get it back in a couple of days, these photos of a few days worth of Culebra while I was offline will have to hold you, as far as my blog goes. Be sure to check out a couple of other Culebra blogs in the meantime, there are some great photos out there! 

Please tell me why this huge boat had to anchor almost on top of Lawrence's very small sailboat? Things that don't make sense to me #357801
She Whom I Live to Serve enjoying the Great Outdoors
Hello, little one!
Peli dancer
Exit stage right
Oh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

 And then it was last night, up on a hilltop.

Doug (who keeps me in books, music and interesting trivia from afar, and who passionately loves Culebra) making me laugh yet again. Hooray for science and that it got you back here! (photo credit: stolen by Debbie Newmark)
This is all I know.
Have a so-glad-to-be-alive-you-have-to-dance Saturday! Do something sparkling.


  1. Great picture of you and Dougie! (You're welcome). Thank Goodness no one took a picture of me sleeping through Iko!

  2. I love that pic, you did good! And even if someone did take a photo of you sleeping, I don't post 'no fair!' shots here ;) A little bit of kindness motivated by self-knowledge.

  3. that poor pig was having a very bad day. And the reason that the big boat came and sat on Lawrence's is that BIG THINGS are more important than SMALL THINGS> didn't you know that..xx

  4. that poor pig at the buffet was having a very bad day. And the reason that big boat came and sat on top of Lawrence's boat is because BIG things are more important than little things. Especially when they're houses, vehicles and boats. Didn't you know that.

  5. Thank you so much for your posts and your pictures. Hope to meet you in person soon....

    Judi E.

  6. That pig gave quite a few a very good day! Yes, I hear you, that's the thinking in too many cases. Culebra proves the exception to the rule...most of the time!

  7. David and Judi,

    Thank YOU! I'm around, most of the time all you have to do is ask someone, but on Friday's, I'm on the street selling my bread...come on by!
