Monday, January 2, 2012

Fitting Into Monday

No, I wasn't on any of these rafted up boats
Yesterday, the first day of the New Year, was spent out on the water, enjoying friends company and meeting some companionable and interesting new folk, who swam and boated over with goodies and music (I'd never heard of Eileen Quinn until I read about her in a comment to Fatty Goodlander on facebook a couple of days before, and serendipity! Allen not only has a cd of hers, but went back to his boat to get it and a player - she's well worth a listen if you are into things sailor like). The weather was perfect, the water refreshing - as in, cool enough to knock off the remaining New Year's Eve muzzies. In other words, not like today with its drizzly, grey skies and extreme quiet. Truthfully, I'm calling it another perfect day, a lull of transition from the long holiday season (around here, it's not over yet, not really; we have Three King's Day right around the corner, but for me, it's pretty well tied up with a bow and done) to our regularly unregular programming.

I wasn't on this boat either, but it was very beautiful out on the deep blue sea
I, for one (because that's all I'm allowed), am ready for this new year to get into the normalo flow of life. While I happily can say that this has been one of the best holiday seasons for me personally, along with quite a few other people who have mentioned the same, I'm also ready to get into the daily planning and doing of bread and glory chickens, Phase II.

Farewell until next time, holiday revelers~
Have a tender-to-yourself Tuesday. Do something transitional.
*edited to note: Crap! I did it again, at least I got the day right in the title! Ok, have a memorable Monday! Do something Monday like....argh. Thanks, Nancy, I do appreciate your tender correction!*

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