Saturday, December 10, 2011

Of Course It's About the Moon. The Culebra Moon

We won't be seeing the eclipse here this morning and it's a good thing, because it has been raining all night and is raining still. But in-between the clouds yesterday at dusk and into a bit of the dark, the moon showed up. What else could I do?

So I did.

And then, a very dark cloud swept across la bella luna and she was gone for the night, like a star swept off a stage, preparing for the next act. And a big act she has indeed, which I hope my son is shooting photos of out there on the Pacific coast. No worries, I can wait.

Tonight the December full moon, also known as the Cold Moon, the Oak Moon and my favorite, the Long Night's Moon, will be up in all her glory. Take some time to let her know you care.

Have a sanguine Saturday. Do something with soup.


  1. I didn't know there was going to be an eclipse. The moon was setting as I was getting up and was beautiful. I thought about taking pics but already have so many moon pics...

  2. You couldn't have seen it anyway; we're all too far east. I have too many of everything, but it's a compulsion, none are the same to me!
