Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jonny!!!

It's my brother's birthday today - the guy who gets my stories (most of the time), who makes me laugh, who irritates me in a way only a brother can. Who through all the craziness of our lives has rock solid love in the way only a brother can. Who puts up with my own craziness and let's me know it is all going to be okay. I'm so glad you are my brother and my friend.


  1. Hope you are roasting a turkey in them Kakalacky hills, Jonny boy!

  2. Well MJ, You know I love you and I guess we are BOTH nut... (but in a GOOD way!)Thanks for remembering the date, I almost forgot! I cant say I feel old, just a little more breakable than I used to!

  3. Nuts off the family tree! Of course I remembered the date. You're the baby!
