Friday, September 18, 2009

Yesterday & Today So Far

Yesterday was a strange and long and a little bit sad day. I'd found a kitten in the bush outside my window, mewling away the day before. She'd either been injured at birth or hurt later but she had no function in any of her limbs, unable to even turn over. It's always sad to put down an animal, but especially for this reason, as she was really a tough little chica and had gone through a lot just to make it to my attention. How many wild cats end up like this, out of earshot of humans? Just another incentive to get the animals spayed and neutered.

But beyond that, it was a glorious day of wide vistas and a horizon huge rainbow at Flamenco. After the above, I felt in big need of a good swim. Walking onto the beach the sight of this rainbow was like a massage to the senses. There were two women walking toward me and I called out to them, "Hey, did you see that?" thinking, anyone seeing that could not turn their back on it. One of the women asked, "What?" and the other women says, "ExCUSE me?" so I gestured for them to turn around and they were wowed. Then the excuse me woman said, "Sorry, we're just venting...but this helps!" Which of course, is why we get rainbows...

The sky was grey/black on one side and sunny blue on the other, for most of the afternoon. Odd and beautiful...

And then there is morning. Not as dramatic in color as yesterday but if there was nothing to compare it to, I'd say, "Damn good show!"

I'll get around to Free-Range Friday later on. Taking care of two places takes a little more planning, which is not my forte. I, however, am not afraid! I know I can dig something out that will be palatable and hopefully much more. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...for now.


  1. So sad about the little one. :-(

    The half-cloudy, half-blue sky relates to your earlier photo of the spouts. The day we saw the five off Zoni, we were standing in hot sunshine staring out under a squall line just 50-100 meters offshore. I have always loved that particular juxtaposition.

  2. Big contrast is lets us know the grass isn't really greener on the other side if you are on the other side...

  3. Ahh, so beautiful. My friend Roger says I can smell rainbows. I keep my red boots by the back door so that I can run outside when we've had a late afternoon shower. But I must say, rainbows on Culebra, well now they're really wonderful!

  4. I love can smell rainbows! Beautiful.

  5. ditto...i wish i could smell rainbows...sounds heavenly...a lucky woman you are!
